A few years ago, our Fiero club (The Fiero Fanatics ) did a car show in Manitowoc Wisconsin and we stayed at a motel on the Saturday before the show. It was a lovely evening so we decided to take a cruise into town to a local drive-in for something to eat. This place turned out to be a local hang-out for the local car clubs to congregate every week-end and we were very surprised to find a huge selection of hot rods, custom cars and sports cars in attendance. I enjoyed this experience very much and it got me to think…why not do this more often ?
As you probably know, there are a myriad of drive-ins around our area in which to do this all summer long. Usually when we do a car show, we get flyers from other car clubs for up-coming events, but lately cruise-in flyers are becoming more prevalent as well. You can go on line to check out an event you may want to do if your time permits and the weather cooperates. All summer, there are cruises planned for other cities and towns in our area. Sometimes, it’s just a spur of the moment decision to hop in your Fiero and go out to eat and see the other cars at these cruise-ins. This can be a wonderful way to break up a week night.
Our Fiero club combined with the GTO club to cruise out to a car show in Madison recently and take the back roads. You should have seen the people look at all our cars as we traveled through the small towns to get to the show. This is another facet of our car that is overlooked and perhaps we can cruise together this summer if time permits to a drive-in near-by and enjoy each other’s company and check out all the other cars that assemble for a night of fun !
Check with your local club and see when their next cruise is, or organize one!
Below: Fieros stop by Sonic during NIFE’s Fierorama weekend.
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