The Event

The Midwest Fiero Clubs (MWFC) is a non-geographical region of the AACA, currently consisting of individual members from around the United States who are associated with nine deferent member clubs that collectively comprise the MWFC. These member clubs presently include: the Heartland Fiero Club (of Iowa), Michigan Fiero Club, Wisconsin Fiero Fanatics, Mid-Atlantic Fiero Owners Association, Northern Illinois Fiero Enthusiasts, Kansas City Fiero Owners Group, Minnesota Fieros Forever, Midwest Fieros (of Nebraska), and Mid-America Fieros (of Kentucky). We are a dedicated group of enthusiasts whose passion is to promote and preserve the Pontiac Fiero and the Fiero Community.

Every five years since 2003, the core members of this group have been involved in organizing and directing Fiero Anniversary Celebration Events. These celebrations commemorate the 5-year incremental anniversaries of the first day the Fiero began production of consumer cars, July 16, 1983. The 2003 and 2008 events were held at the Centerpoint Marriott in Pontiac, MI with outings to surrounding facilities including the GM Heritage Center, Waterford Hills Race Course, and Milan Dragway. The 2013 event was held in Indianapolis, IN and featured a day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway driving our Fieros on the track! The 2018 event was held in East Peoria, IL to tie-in with an outing to the Pontiac, IL Pontiac-Oakland Museum. For the 2023 event, returned to the birthplace of the Fiero, Pontiac, MI. 

The 40th Anniversary Celebration was an unforgettable and exciting 5 days of Fiero fun and family. It included numerous events including a distinguished speakers event, a visit and scavenger hunt with the Pontiac Transportation Museum, a performance day at M1 Concourse, and our feature show at the host hotel. This celebration brought home the last Pontiacs made in Pontiac, MI, including the very last car ever produced there – a 1988 Pontiac Fiero GT. Other cars on site included the one of the remaining Fiero PPG Pace Cars, the 2+2 Fiero prototype, other Fiero prototypes and other special Fieros from private collections. 

In addition to those notable Fieros on display at the host hotel, the performance day with our presenting sponsor, M1 Concourse, including a truly special display. All 3 original Indy 500 Pace Cars were on hand, making this event the first time all three cars have been together since race day in 1984. They were joined by the first and last Fieros produced and the 1990 Fiero prototype. 

While this anticipated collection of Fieros is quite special, an even more extraordinary part of the event was the assemblage of people that came together to celebrate the Fiero including members of the Pontiac Motorsports Division, members of the Pontiac Design Studio and Pontiac Engineering along other key members of the Fiero team. MWFC also hosted a special reunion, attended by nearly 5 dozen people, of individuals who worked at the Fiero plant to come and celebrate one of the most unique cars General Motors ever produced.  

While this anticipated collection of Fieros is quite special, an even more extraordinary part of the event will be the assemblage of people that will come together to celebrate the Fiero including members of the Pontiac Motorsports Division, such as Ben Scheiwe and John Callies, members of the Pontiac Design Studio and Pontiac Engineering along other key members of the Fiero team. MWFC is also going to issue a special invitation to all individuals who worked at the Fiero plant to come and celebrate one of the most unique cars General Motors ever produced.

Check out Merchandise from the show!

Organizing Committee

This event began planning 58 months prior to show week. Monthly board meetings, multiple on-site visits and countless h hours were put in to making these event what it was. Many thanks to our 40th Board Members. 


Fred Bartemeyer

Jennifer Goss

Web Support

Cody Kline

Fiero Project Team Reunion

Brian Dearolf

Local Lead

Jim Nye

Classification Chair

Matt Goss

Volunteer Organizer

Shane Parsons

Awards Chair

Jim Hallman

Sponsorships & Marketing

Mike Kroyer

Social Media Coordinator

Jason Fawley

Track Day Coordinators

Paul Hosler

Eric Schneck

Registration Coordinators

Mary Bartemeyer

Kristina Kahn


Joe Aponick

Judging Chair

Fred Bartemeyer

Indoor Parking Coordinator

Scott Campbell

Outdoor Parking Coordinator

Dan Thuerauf

Kids Zone

Lisa Thuerauf

Jenni Hallman

Memorial Presentation

Jennifer Lindsay Green

Couldn’t Bring A Fiero Contest

John Frenette

Exhaust Contest

Jesse Smith

Stereo Contest

Distinguished Guest Speaker Day Organizer

Fred Bartemeyer

Liaisons with the City of Pontiac for Fiero Day Proclamation

Rosanna Hull

Renee Voit Porath

Tim Dye

Terry Connelly

Prototype Display Logistics Coordinator at M1

Fred Bartemeyer

Fiero Clues and Cruise

Rosanna Hull

Renee Voit Porath

Lingenfelter Collection Tour Coordinator

Jen Goss

PTM Cookout

Michigan Fiero Club

M1 Liaison

Jen Goss

Members at Large

Kevin Linderman

Rob Bartlett

Lou Oles

Rosanna Hull

Tim Dye

Renee Voit Porath

The Numbers

The event had lots of amazing outings and tons of fun getting everyone together again after 5 years. What’s even more impressive are some of the numbers that we made at the event. 

  • 389 Registered Cars
  • 300 Cars On Site
  • 233 Classified and Judged Cars
  • 67 Non-Judged Cars
  • 100 Cars Ran on the M1 Concourse
  • 531 was the Highest HP on the Dyno
  • 207 Volunteers to run the event
  • $11,700 Raised for the 45th via the auction
  • 70 Judged Award Winners


Volunteers were needed to help with every aspect of the event. Many volunteers make for a smooth-running event and we are grateful for all the help we received onsite. The event would have never been as big of a success without the help of everyone. 

Registration Volunteers

Bette Moen

Bruce Craig

Carol Dobson

Cathy Hall

Chris Carlson

Dale Carlson

Garry Cashwell

Greg Tripp

Holly Ray

Jenni Hallman

Joe Aponick

Joyce Jansen

Kim Nye

Kristina Kahn

Laura DeSantis

Mary Bartemeyer

Meredith Conrad

Mike Mohr

Nancy Aponick

Paul Vargyas

Paula Frolka

Sue Oles

Track Tech Volunteers

Eric Schneck

Gary Pickardt

Jason McCall

Jenniffer Pickardt

Jestin Pickardt

Jim Nye

Joe Janson

Mark Burdick

Paul Hosler

Tom Harding

Track Day Volunteers

Brian Gratton

Brian Johnson

Chuck Lozen

Deborah Salada

Frank Chiarella

Kevin Lindeman

Lori Chiarella

Robert Hunt


Art Hall

Brian Gratton

Brian Johnson

Cody Kline

Deborah Salada

Jason Fawley

Mike Kroyer

Ryan Gick

Tim Panfil

Support Runners

Bette Moen

Brian Dearolf

Brian Johnson

Chris Wallace

Danyel Potvin

Greg Tripp

Jenn Pickardt

Jenni Hallman

Jesse Smith

Jim Hallman

Jim Nye

Joyce Janson

Kevin Lindeman

Kim Nye

Matt Dorniak

Meredith Conrad

Margie Doddroe

Mike Maier

Pam Maier

Kids Zone Volunteers

Gloria Finken

Leigh Weaver

Pontiac Transportation Museum Parking Volunteers

Craig Lechowicz

James Espey

Mark Welty

Matthew Patterson

Michael Schmidt

Michael Shane Wilcher

Merchandise Volunteers

Alan Zais

Ariel Wallace

Cathy Hall

Gloria Finken

Jim Hallman

Josh Wisong

Larry Tenhage

Mike Mohr

Nilmar Mendoza

Rob Van Hollenback

Stacy Grundtner

Terry Larson

Troy Smalley

Verna Zais

Classification Volunteers

Adam Powell

Brian Dearolf

Bruce Walters

Cody Kline

Dan Thuerauf

Doug Coventry

Eric White.

Fred Bartemeyer

Gary Pickardt

Jack Gunsett

Matt Dorniak

Matt Goss

Tom Schmidt

Speaker Event Volunteers

Annette Bartemeyer

Bruce Walters

Charlie Bartlett

Don Longan

Greg Tripp

Jesse Maas

Jesse Smith

Lisa Theaurauf

Michael Shane Wilcher

Rob Bartlett

Margie Doddroe

Robert Hunt

Indoor Parking Volunteers

Adam Thompson

Brian Johnson

Brian Sanburn

Danyel Potvin

Jim Nye

Nick Dimonte

Scott Campbell

Stacy Waller

Ted Goad

Outdoor Parking Volunteers

Annette Bartemeyer

Bob Bradburn

Brandy Maas

Chris Wallace

Chuck Lozen

Dan Levin

Eric White

Floyd Dobson

Garry Cashwell

Greg Tripp

Mark Burdick

Paula Frolka

Rob Van Hollenback

Robert Hunt

Raffle Tickets


Paula Frolka

Stacy Grundtner

Therese Campbell

Caravan / Roadside Assistance

Cody Kline

Don Castelli

Eric Schneck

Glen Carlson

Joe Janson

Ken Brown

Mike Schmidt

Paul Hosler

Todd Weikal

Volunteer Judges

AC Dobson

Adam Powell

Adam Thompson

Alan Ferris

Alan Zais

Albert Stoltzfus

Brian Gratton

Brian Johnson

Brian Sanburn

Bruce Walters

Cameron Baker

Cameron Rose

Charlie Bartlett

Chris Carlson

Chris Hoglund

Cody Kline

Dale Carlson

Dan Thuerauf

Danyel Potvin

Dave Steinmetz

Doug Rose

Eric White

Fred Bartemeyer

Fiero Jon

Gary Pickardt

Greg Cox

Holly Ray

Jesse Smith

Jestin Pickardt

Jim Hallman

Joe Aponick

Joe Doctor

Joe Janson

John Corey

Josh Wisong

Kevin Berkheimer

Kevin Lindeman

Kyle Green

Larkin Christy

Lloyd Eyler

Luke Hanus

Mark Burdick

Mark Nicklaus

Mark Welty

Matt Dorniak

Matt Goss

Mike Schmidt

Mike Valentine

Nicholas DiMonte

Paula Frolka

Rob Bartlett

Robert Hunt

Ryan Cieczka

Ryan Gick

Shawn Yoraway

Ted Goad

Todd Weikal

Tom Schmidt

Award Winners

The show brought in 389 registrations, with 300 cars on site. We had 91 peoples choice awards and 70 Judged class awards. We again thank everyone from coming out and look forward to seeing all the improvements / innovations for the 45th. 




Tons of photos were taken at the show, we invite you to add the photos you snapped by joining our  google photos album.